Ground Security Operative & Supervisor
This training is mandatory for any operative employed to carry out, or to supervise staff carrying out, any of the activities listed below at a UK airport:
- Controlling access points to Security Restricted Areas (SRAs);
- Protecting aircraft;
- Preparing people for security checks (e.g. the x-ray loader);
- Screening of baggage and items by conventional X-Ray;
- Screening of baggage and items by Advanced Cabin Baggage X-Ray (ACBX);
- Screening of hold baggage by automated Explosive Detection Systems (EDS);
- Screening airport supplies by X-Ray;
- Searching by hand of passengers and staff;
- Searching by hand of baggage and items;
- Testing of liquids;
- Scanning and searching by Walk Through Metal Detectors (WTMDs), Advanced WTMDs or Hand Held Metal Detectors (HHMDs), of passengers and staff;
- Searching and / or patrolling SRAs;
- Searching vehicles and airport supplies;
- Searching/protection of aircraft.
Course Aims and Objectives
- To ensure that all trained staff understand their role and responsibilities in relation to the security of the Security Restricted Area and the airport.
- To provide ground security operatives operating at an airport with the relevant knowledge and skills to provide effective security in accordance with the relevant legislation.
- To provide the supervisors of ground security operatives with the relevant knowledge and skills to allow them to effectively supervise the security duties carried out in accordance with the relevant legislation.